More stuffs behind my smile these days
Hello All, Tracer Bullet Diaries has moved to Wordpress. Do follow me on and continue to extend your support :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Smile Part II
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Random Thoughts
I stare blank at the white screen which is eager to lap up all the words ready to run down from my brain, trickle down my hands, drop out of my fingers and get typed on this document. Sorry ‘Word’ I am running short of ideas or perhaps thoughts. Is it a collision of choices, priorities or it’s just me? Do I blame the series of inevitable events or my lethargy? Breaking from the sclerosis I decide to put some things that I have been doing off late and some that I intend to do. It may seem stupid to you (like I care) but these have kept me occupied as a distraction from a few events.
1. I unleashed the kid within me this morning. I pulled out all my stuff toys and started placing them one after the other in several parts of the house. Beside the TV, on the fridge, inside the fridge (I pulled him out after 5 minutes), inside my brother’s cupboard, on the coffee table. Trust me the already warm house looked much warmer.
2. The devilish idea struck me when I picked up the book exorcist from dad’s collections last week. I hate this girl to the core (would not want to put her name here as there are common friends who bump into my blog) , would do anything to scare her and this brilliant idea made me smile. A good make up artist would try his best to get someone dressed and look like the possessed girl in exorcist. Take the person along in the middle of the night, ring her doorbell and scare the shit outta her. Man do I love that feeling? YES.
3. Valentines Day. No I don’t have a valentine. Yes sadly when I thought this would be my first ever special valentines day. But nevertheless I have decided to celebrate it in full style. I am planning to streak my hair red. I am also a part of the Pink Chaddi Andolan (I had to get rid of it, so what better way). I would also coax my best friend to hang around with her boyfriend in coffee day so that Pramod Mutalik can get them married which her parents are refusing to do.
4. I am looking forward for the Cousins’ only Day. All of us are ganging up this month or probably next month for lunch, movie and perhaps bowling too. And let me admit this is the first time we would all gather without our parents around. Miss you tons Manasa. Nobody can take your place. Never. The other idiots are not even game for pub hopping. I know you’ve would have jumped at the very word of it. Love you and Miss you like never.
Hot cuppa coffee and smileys are waiting for me at Koshy’s. I am hungry and I can’t write anymore. Watch this space for more though. The coming months would be one hell of a roller coaster ride. And yes I would put up lots of photographs too. Something that I wanted time for and would only find it from next month. So there would be lots of blogging from Tracer Bullet.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A few things which put a smile on my face:-
- Bright sunshine streaming into my room early in the morning through the window.
- Waking up at 5 in the morning and realizing that I have two more hours to sleep.
- Surprise gifts
- A hot cuppa coffee with smiley’s at koshys.
- Good hair day.
- Two kids involved in a completely gibberish conversation.
- A nice warm message or a call from a friend.
- When my feet look marvelous after a pedicure.
- Idea of a long drive to an unknown destination.
- No work on Saturdays.
- My room looking spic and span after a spring clean.
- A fight that I had with Rashmi (my best friend) a few months back. Both of us laugh about it now.
- Rohit’s insane adventures.
- Gautam’s (never ending) arguments.
- Hari Balan's anecdotes.
- Prashanths’ intellectual conversations – trying to share screen space on a lifestyle show (are u kidding me? No way) hosted by me.
- Rakesh's versions of hindi songs.
- Punitha competing with Rakesh with her version of hindi songs.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Whats In A Name
A Canadian rock band formed by Chad, Mike and Brandon Kroeger the band’s music is generally described as alternative or hard rock. Mike Kroeger used to work for Starbucks before forming this band and would frequently say to his customers ‘here’s your nickel back’. Hence the name originated – Nickelback.
But what Mike dint know was the different versions of the name my dear friend Gautam would give when I spoke to him about the band – Dickelbick, Nickerbokers and many more I couldn’t have imagined.
Sorry Mike.
The Evon People as Gautam calls them; this band was formed when lead singer and pianist Amy Lee teamed up with guitarist Ben Moody. Evanescence according to the oxford thesaurus means to vanish and that’s exactly what they would do if they dared to perform in front of Gautam.
Sorry Evon guys.
Def Lepard
Joe Elliot, Rick Savage, Pete Willis and Tony Kenning came under one rood to form a rock band and the name proposed by Joe Elliot in the beginning was ‘Deaf Leopard’ – a name he came up with when writing reviews for imaginary rock bands in his English classes. The name was modified later to Def Lepard to make it sound better and also an indirect homage to Led Zepplin.
Dad wanted to call them Deaf Humans. He thought they were all deaf as they couldn’t hear their own music else they would have stopped screaming long back.
Elliot ……sorry but I love you guys.
Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Brad Whitford, Tom Hamilton and Joey Kramer were thinking of a name for the band when Krammer said he loved the name Aerosmith which popped into his head after listening to Harry Neilson’s Arial Ballet which featured jacket art of a circus performer jumping out of a biplane. Initially the others thought that Krammer was referring to Arrowsmith – the boring Sinclair Lewis novel which they were forced to read in their high school English class. That’s when Krammer said ‘Not Arrowsmith its A E
R O ……Aerosmith’. That’s how the name originated. AEROSMITH.
But even to this day most of them think that Aerosmith is the lead singer’s name. So much for their brainstorming session.
Iron Maiden
They are one heavy metal band who can compete with the noise made by 5 carpenters in the ground floor and 3 of them in the second floor when all of a sudden my landlord decided to renovate his property. This heavy metal band was formed in the year 1975 by bassist Steve Harris on Christmas Day (blasphemy I say) and the name is attributed to the movie The Man in the Iron Mask.
How I wish these guys would have watched The Ten Commandments or perhaps Ben Hur.
Even I have decided to start a rock band – THE GARZ . At present the only members are GAutam and Rashmi (yours truly). Hence GARZ if anymore members are added we shall include one letter from their names too. I am waiting for the final outcome. So folks come feel free to join the band.