More stuffs behind my smile these days
1. My best friend Rashmi. Her unconditional love makes me confess any crap and moreover she is the only person who is capable of making me laugh in any grave situation. I feel as light as a feather when I confess things to her.
2. Early morning stretch – Yoga. No wonder people swear by it. The only activity next to spending time with Rashmi that makes me feel immensely light.
3. People who come early morning to attend Yoga sessions. Especially the ‘namoonas’ in my session. For instance there's one guy who inhales and exhales louder than the 15 of us put together despite instructions. So I decided to call him ‘Pressure Cooker’.
4. The different ways in which people practice asanas in the Yoga class. I can hardly stop laughing.
5. Opening the door of the refrigerator to find chocolates in abundance after lunch.
6. Butter Popcorn. Gosh they are one of the best creations by mankind. How I love munching them when there’s absolutely nothing to eat or even if the kitchen is abundant with food.
7. A lazy gloomy Sunday afternoon with late family lunch and all of us propped on the sofa in front of the TV.
8. Gloomy afternoons (weekdays) with high anticipation of rain. Nothing’s more romantic than cuddling with your teddy bear under a warm blanket holding a cup of tea and munching some garma garam samosa or pakoda with chutney.
9. Sleeping to the sound of rain on such gloomy days
10. Taking pictures. I try to capture everything and everybody including the opposite balcony Grandpa to the next door cat.
11. My dolls. Candy, Snow, Minnie. Brownie and Blondie. What’s special about them is a fact that unlike people they always have a smile on their face whenever they look at my face. How I wish we were like them.
12. Mithun’s anecdotes. How on earth does he come up with them?
13. Gautam’s shirt collection. He is the only person who can carry them off with grace. And perhaps he is the only one with a muliticolored wardrobe.
Well that’s it for now. I shall keep updating this list.