Why does the power go off while you’re watching you’re favourite movie but not in the middle of cricket matches or grandma’s devotional programs?
Why does the phone and the door bell ring simultaneously when you’ve applied your face pack?
Why do you have visitors ringing your doorbell when you’ve called it a day and got into your thin and transparent night gown?
Why does it rain on a day when you’ve made up your mind to wake up early and start afresh an exercise regime?
Why do you end up receiving X’s messages when you’ve been badly waiting for Y’s?
Why doesn’t and exotic dish live up to it’s aroma sometimes?
Why does the queue at the movies for tickets in which you’re standing moves in a snail pace while the one next you (where you stood first but switched for the current line) starts moving like a roller coaster?
Why does Richard Gere kiss Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride only when your Mom casually walks out of the kitchen to slip a papad in your hand?