So what are you wearing for the wedding?" - Clothes of course auntie (with a smile to camouflage my irritation)
Take all your sarees and go to 'Mata Bangles'. He knows better to accessorize women for weddings." - Thanks a lot auntie, will do (can I now have my lunch in peace)
So have you packed all your clothes and other stuff you need for the wedding?" - Errr....ummm... No we still have a week
You have lost weight" - yes, I gym everyday
You have put on weight" - no, actually I have lost some
So it's you next" - Well hehehehe (I've heard that one before)
Why aren't you wearing a saree" - Wanted to freed myself of a catch 22 situation
You see there is a guy in america who wants a girl" - (I thought there were many guys in america) No auntie not interested in guys who live in america
You see this guy in america does not want a girl who wants to live in america after the wedding" - (who's this Jack Sparrow I say?) Well let him come down to India and settle here auntie. I shall think about him after he gets his first pay cheque here.
Ninna line clear" (your line is clear now) - Well hehhehehe (when wasn't it clear by the way)
Give or take a question and two that came my way, I can finally declare my brother married. Please note
that I shall not play host to any other wedding in the near future. It really is tasking to get back to the normal sphere of life after one, and that too in the family.
So don't bug me with 'When's yours?'