Tuesday, March 25, 2014


“Her new way of ignoring people and important issues is by burying her nose in a book”. The jibe was directed to me while I had actually buried my nose in a book. “I would have married a book if I could help it and would have been happier than your wife” was the repartee that shot out of my brain cells which eventually stayed there as I was keen upon keeping the peace and tranquillity around me intact.

True. I bury myself a lot in books these days. I quit my job a few days back and decided that I would take a week’s data break which meant no mails, no twitter, no instagram and no mindless surfing. I wanted to read. More than what I am used to. So what’s new in it you may ask but let me tell you something; when you are surrounded by people who take it upon themselves to criticize every atom of another person’s being and do not even once hesitate to harp about things which might not affect them at all and might not happen at all to begin with, you grow tired of their oration of the day to day mindless events.

I am happy with my tech break. Honestly, nothing comes out of being there on the ‘net’ all the time. It only results in battery drain of your phone and increase in data tariff. And nothing has come out of listening to mindless matters.

It is not the same with books though. Every book has a story to tell and every book lets you converse with it about the subject it is well versed at and if it is not equipped with the same within its covers (hardbound or paperback) it will stop talking to you unlike human beings who pretend to know everything and make a fool out of themselves. For instance I would prefer reading a book than talk to a cousin of mine who in sheer desperation of keeping up with the conversation announced that she loved Sharon Stone and ‘his’ acting. She meant it. Sorry Ms Stone.

Books keep you company better than some men and most women. What would you prefer, a best friend harp about her true life ‘saans bahu story’ or Candace Bushnell talking about Sex and the City with a dash of Cosmopolitan? I can walk into a coffee shop with a book for a date, sip a cuppa of cappuccino, read my heart out and walk out feeling wonderful. Now I want a man to do that to me without turning up late. Then I can consider keeping the book inside my bag.

As much as I hate to say this but books are easy to dump. I have had blind dates with books. What I mean is that I have walked into a book store, read the summary and picked it up only to discover that it hasn’t lived up to its cover. That is when I dump them, meaning I stop reading them or read them entirely for the sake of having bought it and never go back again. Like a one night stand. I reread a lot of the ones I love by the way.

I have something to talk about and it goes beyond bollywood, Hollywood, current affairs, clothes and accessories. I don’t intend to sound like a man but my conversations have gone a level above the usual. Most often dad and I talk about people, their adventures, their deeds and misdeeds and credit them for who they are or were. It definitely is better than talking only about breast implants on a leading lady and liposuction on another.

I don’t lend books. Nobody gets to take them home. To me it is as sacrilegious as sharing a loved one or a spouse. So don’t come home and ask to borrow. You will see my blunt side if you do.

I retreat to my quiet corner. I am at peace with a book. I drift to another world away from the chaotic one I live in and I successfully have the ‘my time’ everyday which most people complain of. Look, for the rest of you it need not be books. It could even be music. So spend half an hour before bed listening to a CD or radio all by yourself and you will realise you sleep a better person.

I wish I was married to a book. It would last more than the ones that happen with humans. I love them more than kindles or any other book reading device with due respect. Ten years from now if you find me dusting books in my own book store don’t be surprised. Instead, stop by, say hello, buy a book and I might give you a discount too. For you know I would not be selling books but companions who go a long way with you than many.

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